The Culture of Care training prepares educators to deliver breathing, mindful movement, and relaxation exercises in the classroom, and to train colleagues to do the same. With a little practice, the exercises are simple for educators to learn and share. Participants in the training will learn and be able to communicate how this approach promotes socio-emotional learning (SEL) in the classroom.
The training is delivered in three full-day sessions. Each session includes a self-care practice for participants, as well as time for Q & A and practical implementation strategies. The sessions are highly interactive and participants will practice teaching the exercises with colleagues. Participants will become familiar with the Pure Edge online resource library to support establishing a Culture of Care at their school site.
This session explores the effect of stress on the field of education, and the importance of self-care for educators. The session also examines how breathing exercises and mindful movement improve the body’s stress response by discussing breath’s effect on the brain and the nervous system. Participants will experience a self-care practice designed to alleviate the effects of stress on the mind and body, and they will learn to implement Pure Edge’s Brain Breaks program. Participants will also practice teaching mindful movement sequences from the Pure Power Curriculum.
- DAY TWO: SEL & Culture of Care
The second session takes participants more deeply into SEL and how mindfulness supports SEL by improving the stress response and promoting self-awareness in the classroom.
Participants will refine their teaching skills by practicing delivering Brain Breaks and mindful movement in small groups. The Pure Power Mini Unit and mindful games for the classroom are also included in this session.
- DAY THREE: Train-the-Trainer
The final session builds on days one and two and ensures that educators are prepared to build a Culture of Care in their classrooms and at their school sites. In addition to refining their mindfulness knowledge and teaching technique, participants will develop short- and long-term implementation goals for their classrooms and schools. Topics addressed include classroom implementation strategies and how to train colleagues.