Well-Being Wednesdays in June

This Well-Being Wednesday series will offer experiential mindfulness-based sessions designed to support the well-being of school-based personnel as they continue to provide essential services to our community each day.

Mindful Mondays in June

This Mindful Monday series will offer experiential mindfulness-based sessions designed to support the well-being of school-based personnel as they continue to provide essential services to our community each day.

Incorporating Wall Space into a Mindful Practice

From opening the body to stabilizing a pose, there are many ways the wall can be a great support for Mindful Movement. It allows for exploration and deepening of poses and the best part, everyone has a wall at home! Join us for a 3-part series to learn how to reset your body at the […]

5-Day Midday Reset

Join Gill for this series, which explains why a reset in the middle of your day improves concentration, mood, and focus. This session also offers simple strategies designed to offer a “pick-me-up” from your afternoon slump.

Well-Being Wednesdays in May

This Well-Being Wednesday series will offer experiential mindfulness-based sessions designed to support the well-being of school-based personnel as they continue to provide essential services to our community each day. Each session is 30 minutes. Please wear clothing suitable for light exercise. Closed captioning provided.

Mindful Mondays in May

Mindful Monday is a 30-minute, experiential mindfulness-based session designed to support the well-being of school-based personnel as they continue to provide essential services to our community each day. Closed captioning provided.

Exploring Movement for All Bodies

Movement and mental health are inextricably connected. For Mental Health Awareness Month, join certified personal trainer and trauma-informed fitness professional Aleksei Weaver for a series of 45-minute sessions that invite participants to move in support of body awareness, connection, and their unique needs. This movement-based series incorporates breathing strategies and is divided into standing (5/7), […]

Rest and Reset (All Staff)

In this experiential session, we’ll guide you through breathing, movement, and rest strategies to help you reset and build resilience.

Purpose: A Series with Project Wayfinder

Brandy Arnold will present 3 lessons from Project Wayfinder‘s Purpose curriculum, which guides students to explore who they are and what matters to them so they can purposefully navigate their life ahead. The toolkits are designed for grades 10-12 and spread out over three years, focusing on Self, Others, and Action.

Using Our Online Resources to Implement with Students

How do I access the online resources? Where do I need to go to get the Brain Breaks that we just learned? How can I bring what I just learned into the schedule of the school day with my students, whether virtually or when we return to in-person classes? Let’s answer these questions and more to help the […]

Culture of Care, Part 4 (Teachers & Administrators)

The Culture of Care series will help you build knowledge to integrate self-care and social-emotional learning (SEL) skills in your classes. Topics explored in Part 4 include: Building Belonging – Emotion & Cognition, Brain Breaks Implementation, and Culture of Care Implementation. This is a 3-hour session.

Well-Being Wednesdays in March

This Well-Being Wednesday series will offer experiential mindfulness-based sessions designed to support the well-being of school-based personnel as they continue to provide essential services to our community each day. Each session is 30 minutes. Please wear clothing suitable for light exercise. All live sessions will have ASL interpretation.

Fireside Chat with Tim Shriver

Chi Kim welcomes Tim Shriver for a Fireside Chat to discuss his new book, The Call to Unite: Voices of Hope and Awakening.

5-Day Reset: Revitalize with Rest

Often overlooked, rest is a key element of our well-being. Find a comfy seat and join Erin for experiential sessions that will provide pure rest and relaxation. You will leave the sessions feeling refreshed and ready to re-engage with your day.

Building Belonging: A Series with Project Wayfinder

Feeling that we belong is foundational to living with purpose. Brandy Arnold will present 3 lessons from Project Wayfinder’s year-long Belonging curricula, which guide students to build meaningful, compassionate relationships with themselves, other people, and the wider world. The Belonging curriculum is suitable for 7th-10th graders. Lessons are designed to support quick and easy implementation: […]

Culture of Care, Part 3 (Teachers & Administrators)

The Culture of Care series will help you build knowledge to integrate self-care and social-emotional learning (SEL) skills in your classes. Topics explored in Part 3 include: Creating Healthy Habits, Taking In the Good, and The Six Critical Healing Factors. This is a 3-hour session.

5-Day Reset: Movement

In this series, we will practice movement, drawn from our online manual, to help us reset as we move toward closing out the day.

Mindful Monday

Mindful Monday is a 30-minute, experiential mindfulness-based session designed to support the well-being of school-based personnel as they continue to provide essential services to our community each day. Please wear clothing suitable for light exercise.

Mindful Monday

Mindful Monday is a 30-minute, experiential mindfulness-based session designed to support the well-being of school-based personnel as they continue to provide essential services to our community each day. Please wear clothing suitable for light exercise.

Educator Self-Care: Rest & Relaxation

Join us as we explore sleep, rest, and relaxation! This 60-minute experiential session incorporates Breathe, Move, Rest practices that promote overall well-being.

Mindful Monday

Mindful Monday is a 30-minute, experiential mindfulness-based session designed to support the well-being of school-based personnel as they continue to provide essential services to our community each day. Please wear clothing suitable for light exercise.    

Los Lunes Mindful en Español

Esta serie, “Los Lunes Mindful” ofrecerá sesiones practicas basadas en mindfulness, diseñadas para apoyar el bienestar del personal escolar, mientras continuan proporcionando servicios a nuestra comunidad cada día.

Culture of Care, Part 2 (Teachers & Administrators)

The Culture of Care series will help you build knowledge to integrate self-care and social-emotional learning (SEL) skills in your classes. Topics explored in Part 2 include: The Neuroscience of Stress and Neuroplasticity.

#TeacherTuesday – Book Club with Dr. Tish Jennings

#TeacherTuesday Book Club with Dr. Tish Jennings Join Dr. Jennings for this three-day series, as she takes us through her new book Teacher Burnout Turnaround Strategies for Empowered Educators. All sessions will be closed-captioned. January 12 – Part I – Addressing Teacher Stress and Burnout  January 19 – Part II – Preparing for Transformative Change  […]

Resources for youth

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There are many variations of passages of Lorem Ipsum available, but the majority have suffered.


There are many variations of passages of Lorem Ipsum available, but the majority have suffered.


There are many variations of passages of Lorem Ipsum available, but the majority have suffered.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.