Delaware Department of Education, in collaboration with Pure Edge, Inc., will host a four-part Culture of Care institute for educators and leaders. The Culture of Care training prepares educators to deliver breathing, mindful movement, and relaxation exercises in the classroom and to train colleagues to do the same. Participants in the training will learn and be able to communicate how this approach promotes social-emotional learning (SEL) in the classroom. In this virtual setting, each session includes a self-care practice for participants and time for Q&A and practical implementation strategies. The sessions are highly interactive and participants will practice teaching the exercises with colleagues. Participants will become familiar with the Pure Edge online resource library to support establishing a Culture of Care at their school site.
Building a Mindful Meditation Practice, 4-Day Series
Establishing a daily meditation practice does not have to be a struggle. We will start a little at a time in order to help build a sustainable practice. The most important thing to do is to just show up and start. Taking this attitude can help motivate you and provide the inspiration needed to carry your seated meditation practice forward. Practice can be done seated in a chair or on a cushion or on a pile of folded blankets, on the floor.
Using Our Online Resources to Implement with Students
How do I access the online resources? Where do I need to go to get the Brain Breaks that we just learned? How can I bring what I just learned into the schedule of the school day with my students, whether virtually or when we return to in-person classes? Let’s answer these questions and more to help the ongoing transitions happening at your school, district, and community-at-large. There will be 20-25 minutes of short user-friendly content and a 10-15 minute Q&A.
Well-Being Wednesdays in March
This Well-Being Wednesday series will offer experiential mindfulness-based sessions designed to support the well-being of school-based personnel as they continue to provide essential services to our community each day. Each session is 30 minutes. Please wear clothing suitable for light exercise. All live sessions will have ASL interpretation.
Reconnection – Focus on Student Relationships & Sharing Our Story
Please join us for a 45-minute conversation with Jennifer Jackson & Candace Best to kick off March, a month of reconnection as a self-care strategy.
Mindful Monday
Mindful Monday is a 30-minute, experiential mindfulness-based session designed to support the well-being of school-based personnel as they continue to provide essential services to our community each day. Please wear clothing suitable for light exercise.
Mindful Monday
Mindful Monday is a 30-minute, experiential mindfulness-based session designed to support the well-being of school-based personnel as they continue to provide essential services to our community each day. Please wear clothing suitable for light exercise.
Mindful Monday
Mindful Monday is a 30-minute, experiential mindfulness-based session designed to support the well-being of school-based personnel as they continue to provide essential services to our community each day. Please wear clothing suitable for light exercise.
#TeacherTuesday – Book Club with Dr. Tish Jennings
Join Dr. Jennings for this three-day series, as she takes us through her new book Teacher Burnout Turnaround Strategies for Empowered Educators. All sessions will be closed-captioned.
January 12 – Part I – Addressing Teacher Stress and Burnout
January 19 – Part II – Preparing for Transformative Change
January 26 – Part III – Empowering Teachers
Virtual Field Trip to Support SEL in the Classroom – MS & HS
Virtual Field Trip to Support SEL in the Classroom – Elementary
Culture of Care Summer Institute II
Please join us Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays for a 12-session series. We know that balancing the needs of online instruction and planning for a return in the fall is challenging. This series will help you build knowledge to integrate self-care and social-emotional learning skills into your online and in-person classes. Every session is free and live.
7/27 Session 1: Social and Emotional Learning (SEL) & Self-Care
7/29 Session 2: Respond vs. React: Superpowers
7/31 Session 3: Stress & Allostatic Load
8/3 Session 4: The Neuroscience of Stress, Part 1
8/5 Session 5: The Neuroscience of Stress, Part 2
8/7 Session 6: Neuroplasticity
8/10 Session 7: Creating Healthy Habits
8/12 Session 8: Taking in the Good
8/14 Session 9: Six Critical Healing Factors
8/17 Session 10: Building Belonging – Emotion & Cognition
8/19 Session 11: Brain Breaks Implementation
8/21 Session 12: Culture of Care Implementation
Train the Trainer to Integrate a Culture of Care
We know that dozens of guidance documents call for focusing on educator and student well-being. So we are hosting a free series, Train the Trainer, for any and all educators. In this 4-part interactive series, participants will learn how to use our turn-key decks to support educators in their schools or districts.
90-Minute Session – Educator Self-Care
This 90-minute, interactive session will explore the neuroscience of stress and its impact on the body. We will share how to develop resilience through the practice of simple strategies.
Neuroscience of Stress & Educator Self-Care
This one-hour, interactive session will explore the neuroscience of stress and its impact on the body. Simple strategies for building resilience will be shared.
Educator Self-Care & Social Emotional Learning
Session 3: ESC & Social Awareness
Session 4: ESC & Relationship Skills
Session 5: ESC & Responsible Decision Making
Integrating the Pure Power Neuroscience Unit
Virtual Boot Camp for Health & PE Teachers – MS / HS Educators
Virtual Boot Camp for Health & PE Teachers – Elementary Educators
Self-Care Series: Toolkit for a Balanced Life
In this session, develop an understanding of the nervous system to help manage physical health and emotions.
Self-Care Series: The Power to Grow & Stretch
Learn how health and wellness practices help us develop positive mental and emotional states.
Culture of Care Webinar Series
We know that balancing the needs of online instruction and planning for a return in the fall is challenging. We have planned this series to help you build knowledge, self-care, and social-emotional learning skills into your online and in-person classes.
Session 1: Social and Emotional Learning (SEL) & Self-Care
Session 2: Respond vs. React: Super Powers
Session 3: Stress & Allostatic Load ]
Session 4: The Neuroscience of Stress, Part 1
Session 5: The Neuroscience of Stress, Part 2
Session 6: Neuroplasticity ]
Session 7: Creating Healthy Habits
Session 8: Taking in the Good
Session 9: Six Critical Healing Factors
Session 10: Building Belonging – Emotion & Cognition
Session 11: Brain Breaks Implementation
Session 12: Culture of Care Implementation
Self-Care Series: The Power to Laser Focus
Discover how to more accurately assess situations, tackle complex problems, empathize, and self-regulate.
Power of Mindfulness Series: Implementation Grades 6-12 – “Rest”
This series will focus on implementation of Brain Breaks for learners grades 6-12 and their teachers. This 30-minute session focuses on Rest.
Power of Mindfulness Series: Implementation Grades 6-12 – “Standing”
This series will focus on implementation of Brain Breaks for learners grades 6-12 and their teachers. This 30-minute session focuses on Standing.
Heart, Mind & Body Series: Providing Equitable Access for Student Support via Tele-Services
(ASL Interpreter / Side by Side screen available for all participants) * Join a panel of Student Support Services experts: Chandrai Jackson-Saunders, NASP School Psychologist of the Year 2020; Joseph Batiano, RI School Counselor of the Year 2018; & Rachel Webb, School Social Worker Sacramento City USD; facilitated by Chi Kim. These incredible educators will engage in an important discussion regarding student support services and providing equitable access via tele-service. Learn some of their thoughtful techniques used to provide student support services during this time of physical distancing. They will also share some of the roses and thorns that virtual school has posed as well as share what they foresee as critical needs as schools plan to re-open in the fall.
Self-Care Series: The Power to Tame Your Temper
This session will explore how the brain forms habits, along with constructive ways to deal with anger.
Power of Mindfulness Series: Implementation Grades 6-12 – “Seated”
This series will focus on implementation of Brain Breaks for learners grades 6-12 and their teachers. This 30-minute session focuses on Seated.
Power of Mindfulness Series: Implementation Grades 6-12 – “Breathe”
This series will focus on implementation of Brain Breaks for learners grades 6-12 and their teachers. This 30-minute session focuses on Breathe.
Heart, Mind & Body: Conversation and Live Meditation with the Women of Headspace
Chi Kim welcomes Alice Nathoo & Evelyn Lewis for a conversation & live meditation.