For Educators

We provide professional development and self-care strategies via adult Brain Breaks, trainings and webinars. We also offer ongoing support for our partner districts and organizations. Continuing ed unit opportunities available.

For Students

We provide a range of free classroom resources that include learner Brain Breaks, health & wellness curricula,  and Virtual PE. Our mission is to promote social, emotional, and academic development for all learners.

Pure Community Past Webinars < back

Family Brain Breaks

DURATION: 45 min

Originally Aired: TUESDAY, AUGUST 18 AT 8:30 AM PDT / 11:30 AM EDT

Pure Edge, Inc.


In this 45-minute interactive family session, families will engage in calming as well as energizing activities. Dress comfortably and join us with our kids. Together, we will learn to breathe, move, and rest. Appropriate for PreK – 8th grade children & their parents.

Pure Edge, Inc.

National Trainers

We are a dedicated team from diverse backgrounds, all supporting one mission. Pure Edge, Inc. endeavors to provide strategies to help educators and learners achieve success through focus against environmental influences of social media, peer pressure, personal and community stressors. We offer a set of strategies that include well-rounded curriculum and training modules to develop social, emotional, and academic learning skills through mindful movement, breath and rest. Our program is designed to support the health and wellness of educators and learners by sharing simple strategies to reduce stress and improve focus.