For Educators

We provide professional development and self-care strategies via adult Brain Breaks, trainings and webinars. We also offer ongoing support for our partner districts and organizations. Continuing ed unit opportunities available.


For Students

We provide a range of free classroom resources that include learner Brain Breaks, health & wellness curricula,  and Virtual PE. Our mission is to promote social, emotional, and academic development for all learners.

  • Suzanne Nason

Dr. Mark Greenberg

Mark Greenberg, Ph.D. is the Emeritus holder of The Bennett Endowed Chair in Prevention Research at Penn State Univ.  He is one of the primary authors of The PATHS® curriculum and has conducted research on its impact since 1981 He is the author of more than 300 articles on promotin well-being, He is one of the Founders on CASEL (

Dorothy Morelli is a career educator having served in many roles.  She is currently CEO of CREATE and SEL Worldwide.

Denine Parks-Goolsby M.Ed is a Principal Coach and Social Emotional Resource Consultant with Cleveland Metropolitan School District and Warrensville Heights City School District. She is a Board Member of CREATE. 

Dr. Joseph Gerics has served in the field of education for 16 years with both classroom teaching and administrative experience.  He currently holds the position of SEL manager with the Cleveland Metropolitan School District.

