Neuroscience of Stress for Parents

In this 45-minute interactive session, parents/caregivers will learn about the neuroscience of stress and the critical healing factors. They will engage in strategies to support the reciprocity of wellbeing, having an awareness of stressors, and practicing simple strategies to be more responsive.
Family Brain Breaks

In this 45-minute interactive family session, families will engage in calming as well as energizing activities. Dress comfortably and join us with our kids. Together, we will learn to breathe, move, and rest. Appropriate for PreK – 8th grade children & their parents.
Family Brain Breaks Series: Play Time & Down Time

In this series, experience Brain Breaks as a family. Thirty minutes of interactive Breathe, Move, Rest strategies will be provided for your family.
Family Brain Breaks Series: Connecting Time

In this series, experience Brain Breaks as a family. Thirty minutes of interactive Breathe, Move, Rest strategies will be provided for your family.
Family Brain Breaks Series: Focus Time

In this series, experience Brain Breaks as a family. Thirty minutes of interactive Breathe, Move, Rest strategies will be provided for your family.
Family Brain Breaks Series: Physical Time

In this series, experience Brain Breaks as a family. Thirty minutes of interactive Breathe, Move, Rest strategies will be provided for your family.
Family Brain Breaks Series: Sleep

In this series, experience Brain Breaks as a family. This session will focus on the interactive nature of Breathe, Move, Rest to enhance sleep.
Family Brain Breaks Series: Time In

In this series, experience Brain Breaks as a family. The first session focuses on “Time In.”