Self-Care for School-Based Mental Health Providers: Session 2

This special Mental Health Awareness Month self-care series for mental health providers will offer experiential sessions designed to support the well-being of school-based MHPs as they continue to provide essential services to our community each day.
Power of Mindfulness Series: Implementation Grades 6-12 – “Seated”

This series will focus on implementation of Brain Breaks for learners grades 6-12 and their teachers. This 30-minute session focuses on Seated.
Heart, Mind & Body Series: Learners & Leaders

In this special session highlighting Mental Health Awareness Month, meet an incredible group of CA & NJ high school student leaders who are focused on supporting mental health through service to others. Our panelists are students from Kearny High School in San Diego, CA, & NuYu Club leaders from West Windsor-Plainsboro High School, NJ. These […]
Power of Mindfulness Series: Implementation Grades 6-12 – “Breathe”

This series will focus on implementation of Brain Breaks for learners grades 6-12 and their teachers. This 30-minute session focuses on Breathe.
Heart, Mind & Body: Conversation and Live Meditation with the Women of Headspace

Chi Kim welcomes Alice Nathoo & Evelyn Lewis for a conversation & live meditation. Meet Alice Nathoo & Evelyn (Eve) Lewis, the incredible women of Headspace! Alice leads Headspace Brand Experiences and Social Impact, which through the Headspace for Education program offers free access to all K-12 teachers across the US, UK, Australia and Canada. […]
Self-Care Series: The Power to Be Calm

This session will illustrate how developing mindfulness can influence decision-making.
Self-Care for School-Based Mental Health Providers: Session 1

This special Mental Health Awareness Month self-care series for mental health providers will offer experiential sessions designed to support the well-being of school-based MHPs as they continue to provide essential services to our community each day.
Family Brain Breaks Series: Play Time & Down Time

In this series, experience Brain Breaks as a family. Thirty minutes of interactive Breathe, Move, Rest strategies will be provided for your family.
Power of Mindfulness Series: Mindful Speech & Action

This experiential session Mindful Speech and Action will focus on the difference between mindful and non-mindful speech and action. This will be primarily for youth, grades: 6th-12th.
Heart, Mind & Body: Saving Superman – Focusing on Educator Self-Care

Panelists Dr. Victor Carrion, Teri Lawler, Kennard Branch moderated by Chi Kim Saving Superman – The Importance of Educator Self Care, Now More Than Ever. This session was selected by SXSW EDU on the SEL Track. Since the conference was canceled, we wanted to the bring this panel to you. Join panelists: Dr. Victor Carrion, […]
Self-Care Series: Strategies to Increase Energy and Vitality Part 2

This session will look at how stress depletes our energy levels. Participants will experience simple strategies to re-energize.
Stress Management for High School Students

In this 30-minute interactive session, we will share the neuroscience of stress and its impact on the body. You will learn simple strategies to alleviate stress through breath, movement & rest.
Family Brain Breaks Series: Connecting Time

In this series, experience Brain Breaks as a family. Thirty minutes of interactive Breathe, Move, Rest strategies will be provided for your family.
Power of Mindfulness Series: STOP

This session will articulate the difference between “responding” and “reacting” to a situation through the four steps of STOP. The target audience is educators and youth grades 6-12.
Heart, Mind & Body: Principal Perspective – Leading in a Time of Physical Distancing

Dawn began her service of teaching 25 years ago and has worked as a teacher for the NYC DOE teaching in Harlem, NYC for 16 years and has served as Principal of Thurgood Marshall Academy Lower School (TMALS) for the past 9 years. Dawn Brooks-DeCosta, EdD will share how to incorporate culturally responsive pedagogy to […]
Calming Strategies for Young Children, Part 2

Kids and adults process stress differently. This session will introduce a variety of ways to help young children stay calm and happy. Children are welcome to join!
Estrategias de manejo de estrés frente a Covid-19 para estudiantes universitarios

Se hablará de neurociencia del estrés, de los problemas específicos por la situación de Covid-19 de los estudiantes universitarios y se proporcionarán estrategias de calma para afrontarlo.
Family Brain Breaks Series: Focus Time

In this series, experience Brain Breaks as a family. Thirty minutes of interactive Breathe, Move, Rest strategies will be provided for your family.
Heart, Mind & Body: Understanding Grief and Adaptation to COVID Loss

The current pandemic is taking a large toll in human lives. Dr. Shear will provide a model for understanding grief and adaptation to loss, discuss the unique challenges to adaption posed by a Covid-19 loss, and suggest ways to promote adaptation.
Power of Mindfulness Series: Body, Breath & Mind, Part 2

This experiential session Body, Breath and Mind, Part 2: Taking in the Good will increase understanding that, Taking in the Good, can be used to commit positive experiences to long-term memory. This will be primarily for Youth, grades: 6th-12th.
Heart, Mind & Body: The Impact of Stress & Ways to Build Resilience

Join us for a live webinar with Goldie Hawn. She is an Academy Award winning actress, producer, director, best-selling author and true children’s advocate. She is also the Founder of The Goldie Hawn Foundation. Working with leading neuroscientists, educators, psychologists and researchers, the Foundation developed MindUP ™ an evidence-based curriculum and teaching model for grades […]
Estrategias Eficaces para Calmar a los Niños

Esta sesión, dirigida a enseñar estrategias de relajación a los niños, se presentará en Español.
Educator Self-Care Series: Strategies to Increase Energy & Vitality

This session will look at how stress depletes our energy levels. Participants will experience simple strategies to re-energize.
Sesión 3: Neurociencia del Estrés y Estrategias para Manejarlo

Esta sesión analizará cómo el estrés afecta nuestros cuerpos y le daremos estrategias para reducir sus efectos.
Family Brain Breaks Series: Physical Time

In this series, experience Brain Breaks as a family. Thirty minutes of interactive Breathe, Move, Rest strategies will be provided for your family.
Sesión 2: Autocuidado de Familia

Experimenta Descansos Cerebrales en familia. Treinta minutos de estrategias interactivas de respiración, movimiento y descanso en un entorno familiar.
Power of Mindfulness Series: Body, Breath & Mind, Part 1

This experiential session will allow participants to develop an understanding of mindfulness practice and its application to habitual thoughts. The target audience is educators and youth, grades 6-12.
Sesión 1: Autocuidado del Educador

Utilizando los Descansos Cerebrales para restablecer y mantener / modelar la propia autorregulación en momentos de estrés.
Heart, Mind & Body: Maintaining Mental & Physical Balance

Join Justin Tuck, husband, father, 2x NFL Super Bowl champion, philanthropist, entrepreneur, children’s book author, VP Private Equity at Goldman Sachs & Pure Edge, Inc. board director for a live uplifting session, followed by a Q&A.
Preocupación, Estrés y Ansiedad: Cómo Gestionarlos

Esta sesión, dirigida a como gestionar la preocupación, estrés y ansiedad, se presentará en Español.